NOTE: We had a small batch of the UFB FUSION custom boards made with this so now it's PS5 ready (for fighting games only).
Note: At the current moment, these are only available as a full kit with the Brook UFB FUSION (PS5 for Fighting Games Only).
This package will allow Razer Panthera owners to upgrade their fight stick to universal status, which means that you will be able to play on PS5/PS4/PS3/PC/Xbox 360/Xbox One/Wii U/Switch/NEOGEOMini/PSOneClassic
What's Included
1. 1x EZ MOD Board
2. 1x Brook UFB FUSION (with PS5 Compatibility for Fighting Games only) with connectors pre-soldered to the BOTTOM of the board.
3. 4x Rubber/Neoprene washers
4. 8x 4-40 screws
5. 4x 4-40 threaded 15/32” female-female stand offs
6. 2x 5 pin interconnect wires
7. 1x 4 pin interconnect wire
Key Features
- True Multi-Console Support (No 8 Minute timeout on PS4) Now Also PS5 (for Fighting Games only)
- Auto System Detection
- Fully upgradeable by end user when firmware updates are required
- XINPUT mode for games that require it
- Turbo Support
- Built-in SOCD Cleaner
- Common Form Factor
Why spend $300 on a new stick when you can upgrade your existing for less and get more out of it?!
The Jasen's Customs EZ MOD for the Panthera works with XBOX 360, XBOX ONE, and PS4 and now, PS5 (For Fighting Games ONLY). This makes the Brook Universal Fighting Board a snap to install! The convenient design allows it to be installed in the stock PCB location and requires no modification to the stock internal wiring of the stick. The only technical requirement is the necessity to cut the USB wires from the stock board. After that, its all plug and play!
For those who want to deck out their Hori Premium VLX Controller (PS4 Version), this package is for you. We have teamed up with Jasen's Customs to bring out a kit coupled with Brook's Universal Fighting Board to step up your VLX Premium controller to be able to be played with all systems
This package includes the Brook Universal Fighting Board (with the soldered JST connectors that will provide the cleanest look and form factor) and the Hori VLX EZ Mod Board. Combined you are saving $15 if purchased separately
This System replaces the stock Hori PS3/PS4 PCB. The main board is a “dumb board” meaning it just routes signals such as buttons and USB to specific spots for use with another “smart board”, in this case the Brook Universal Fighting Board. It physically takes the place of the stock board in your Hori VLX PS4 stick so that all stock cabling can be directly connected without damage or permanent modification. This keeps the value of the stick high since you can easily and quickly revert it to completely stock if you decide to resell it
Once the VLX UPGRADE board has been installed, a Brook Universal Fighting Board can be installed on top turning your VLX into a PS3/PS4/PC/Xbox 360/Xbox One/Wii U/Switch/NEOGEOMini/PSOneClassic compatible Arcade Stick. The two mate together easily using a combination of the male pin headers on the Upgrade Board and the female headers (provided with the kit for easy soldering) on the Brook Universal Fighting Board. There are three cables (provided with the kit) that you install between the two boards as well that connect additional signals
Once installed everything on the stick works stock with the following caveats:
- RS. DP/LS function properly with the switch on the VLX. The stock HORI PCB handles the RS signal differently than the Brook UFB so that position results in DP mode.
- Turbo. Again, the HORI PCB handles the signal differently than the Brook UFB so Turbo has been omitted.
- Touchpad Tracking: Requires a software update from Brook. Coming soon.
- This board is compatible with the VLX Kuro Premium and the VLX Hayabusa Premium versions.
This kit includes the following:
- Jasen's Customs VLX Upgrade Board
- Brook Universal Fight Board with all required connectors already soldered!
- Mounting Hardware Interconnect Cables
Images: ALL these images are the property of Please do not use them unless you receive written permission and credit us accordingly
Special thanks to Omar for the image of the BROOK UFB and VLX EZ Mod Kit installed into his Hori VLX Premium. It took him 10 minutes to install this himself, without ANY soldering or cutting wires. This is as clean as it gets.
Installation Video: