This package will allow Qanba Obsidian owners to upgrade their fight stick to universal status, which means that you will be able to play on PS3/PS4/PC/Xbox 360/Xbox One/Wii U/Switch/NEOGEOMini/PSOneClassic AND just as important if not more vital for those professional players, will transform your arcade stick to the fastest performing (lowest latency) on the market (tested and confirmed with PS4).
You will need to do is remove your existing PCB and using all the cables provided, just plug an play into the EZ MOD. This will require cutting the USB Cable from the stock board and connecting it to the screw terminals on the board.
Includes: EZ MOD Board, Interconnect Cables, and pre-soldered connectors on Brook Universal Fighting Board
Brook UFB (With Soldered Headers Included) - Not Pictured
Key Features
- True Multi-Console Support (No 8 Minute timeout on PS4)
- Auto System Detection
- Fully upgradeable by end user when firmware updates are required
- XINPUT mode for games that require it
- Turbo Support
- Built-in SOCD Cleaner
- Common Form Factor
Go further...
Next generation support is achievable with basic know how with little (for the joystick USB cable - minimal soldering or you can use a Neutrik in combination with USB A to B and A to A cable) to no soldering involved. Simply replace the PCB in your current fight stick with this board and you are on your way to all system compatibility.