Who'd have ever thought Hori would enter the arcade parts race against Sanwa and Seimitsu? Well, they have, and they've made great progress to associating the word quality with the Hori name.
Hori's new Hayabusa lever has been engineered to have low friction and fast action. It achieves this by having a new design for the pivot housing and using low friction plastics such as polyoxymethylene, commercially known as Delrin. If you're looking for a new stick with low input load then this is the stick for you. It's fast, responsive, and returns to neutral accurately with a small deadzone.
If that's a little too technical for you, how about this! You want to know what else is great about the Hori Hayabusa? All our high quality customized products for JLF are also compatible with the Hayabusa. This means the Paradise Twist, the custom oversized anodized actuators, our custom Delrin actuators, our anodized JLF shaft covers, all our custom springs, our hollow steel shafts, and official stock Sanwa JLF shaft covers, bat and ball tops.
Just think! Besides being praised by high lever players and getting good critical reception, we have a brand new stick with a modern twist to the standard stick design that is highly customizable out of the box. What isn't there to love about this?